Q. what is industrial design?

A. Industrial design (ID) is about creating the appearance and functionality of mass-produced goods. It involves iterative design work, using a wide range of creative methods. The end goal being the development of efficient designs that lend themselves to large scale mass production.

All products go through a design process, blending creativity and practical decision-making, influenced by factors like materials, production methods, business strategy, and societal trends. While ID focuses primarily on a product’s appearance and usability, it also addresses challenges in marketing, sustainability, and sales.


Q. How can industrial design benifit my business?

A. ID helps companies stay competitive by both identifying and solving existing problems, and by generating entirely new concepts. The best of these ideas are then be put through rigorous phases of prototyping and refinement, helping businesses significantly improve their likelihood of success.

Q. What are the stages of the design process?


  1. Create a design brief

    Define what it is you want. It can help to gain an understanding of the target audience's needs and wants. Research methods like surveys and focus groups can help with this.

  2. Brainstorm

    Generate different design ideas based on the findings from the research. Visualize these ideas using sketches, models, or digital representations.

  3. Prototype

    Put the design concepts to the test by creating prototypes. This may involve making physical models using various materials.

  4. Refine

    Enhance the design by incorporating feedback from testing and prototyping. This step involves making adjustments to the design or conducting additional research if needed.

  5. Finalize

    Finalize your design and ready it for production.